Bismarck State College

Application for Degree Form

Bismarck State College, P.O. Box 5587, 1500 Edwards Avenue, Bismarck, ND 58506. 701-224-2545 :: 800-445-5073

Please note: ALL Correspondence will be via your BSC Student Email account. Please refer to for help with your BSC Student Email.

Per BSC College Degree Requirements, students must complete this Application for Degree form to be awarded a degree.

  • Review the Graduation Checklist found on
  • Type your information into each field, check the signature box and click submit at the bottom of this form.
General Information
  • An email stating Bismarck State College has received your request will be sent to the student by the Academic Records office.
* Students are required to visit with their advisor prior to submitting this application. has your Academic Advisor approved this application? Yes No
* Required fields

Note: Student ID # can be found on your Mystic Card, located on the back lower right hand corner (first 7 digits). If you need assistance, please contact the BSC Help Desk at 701-224-5442 Monday-Friday 8:00a - 4:00p or the NDUS Help Desk at 1-866-457-6387 after hours and weekends

Name on Diploma:
Diploma Mailing Address:

Degree/Area of Study Information

Select all degree(s) you would like to apply for.

Area of Study
Degree Option
* Do you have any alternative credits? Yes 1 No
1If yes, please select all that apply
* Do you have any transfer credits? Yes No
* Have you submitted any course substitution/exception for degree requirement forms? Yes No
* Are you a member of Phi Theta Kappa? Yes No
* Do you have any family members who have attended BJC or BSC?
* Will you be participating in the commencement ceremony? Yes No
* Do you or a guest require a specific accommodation for the commencement ceremony? Yes 2 No
2 Please explain specific accommodations for the commencement ceremony:
* Will you be attending BSC after graduation? Yes 3 No
3 If yes, you must complete the Continuing Enrollment Form found at
* Signature: I certify to the best of my knowledge that the information on this form is true and complete without evasion or meisrepresentation. I understand that if found to be otherwise, it is sufficient cause for rejection or dismissal. By checking this box you have created an electronic signature as legal as your handwritten signature.