Bismarck State College
Please complete the following information to schedule a Accuplacer exam on the BISMARCK STATE COLLEGE CAMPUS only. If you wish to test at another Accuplacer test site in North Dakota, please contact that test site directly.
Distance education must locate a proctor at a college or university testing center and/or a military education center. Once you have located a site please contact BSC testing Services to make payment of $15 and set up a remote exam at 701-224-5658.
* Required fields

Note: Student ID # can be found on your Mystic Card, located on the back right hand corner (first 7 digits) or you can look it up online. Click Here

* Accuplacer Exam Needed (check any or all):            

NOTE: The $15 Accuplacer fee payment must be paid in the Student Finance Window, Schafer Hall, first floor, prior to testing. Please bring your payment receipt and a photo I.D. to Schafer Hall, Rm. 205 the day of testing. Food and beverages are NOT permitted in the Testing Center.

Calculators are not allowed to be used.

You can prepare for the Accuplacer exam, with sample questions, as well as more detailed information on the Accuplacer exam. All this can be found on the BSC Website at Prepare for Accuplacer ( or Accuplacer Sample Questions (

If you have additional questions please call the Testing Services Office at 701-224-5658.